All of the kids love sour candy. Valerie is on a quest to find a sour candy that is too sour for her to eat. She hasn't found one yet. Here is Gabriel eating some of Valerie's favorite sour candy...notice the lable on the candy.
Friday, January 30, 2009
I haven't done very well keeping up with this....I keep forgetting how to log on...senior moments! We had a wonderful holiday season. Valerie is trying to get into modeling, for fun. The pix below are from a photo shoot she did. I threw in one for fun from a few years ago. When I get home I'll add pictures of the other kids. Valerie is still going to finsih beauty school and should have her license this summer.
this was taken about 2 years's not in her portfolio but I thought it was fun to see how much she has changed.
I haven't done too well keeping up with this...Valerie is doing some modeling. I'll ad the pix here for her latest shoot. She is just getting her portfolio established. She's still working on finishing beauty school and her new finish date should be in June.
Chris and Maureen married in May 1989. Valerie was born in 1990 and Yvette, Christopher and Gabriel joined the family in 2000. Yvette is 15, Christopher 12and Gabriel 11.
Valerie has a zest for life. She wants to know something about everything. She is fun loving. She will be able to do whatever she wants to do in her life.
Yvette is naturally athletic. She is especially talented in gymnastics. She is very creative, especially in art.
Christopher finds good in everything. He is amazed by everything he sees and learns about. He is very loving and a really hard worker. He is also a fast runner.
Gabriel observes the world around him and then learns about how things work. He is completely guilless and the most honest person I know. He has a wonderful sparkle in his eyes when he is having fun.